Changes to Format of Plastering and Fireproofing Training
Posted On: May 15, 2020
1555 Overland Court, West Sacramento, CA 95691
PHONE (916) 372-9860 FAX (916) 371-7285
Starting on August 31st 2020 Apprenticeship school will transfer to week long training.
Changes that have been made:
Apprentices must attend four classes in a calendar year.
A Class is 36 hours Monday though Friday
Apprentices may attend classes while unemployed (no more than six a year)
All Apprentices will have a year look ahead at start of the year.
An email reminder will be sent to the Apprentice, Contractor and Business Agent three weeks before scheduled training.
If classes cause a Contractor hardship the Superintendent can write a letter on Company letterhead at least five days prior to scheduled training to excuse the Apprentice from class. (the apprentice then would be rescheduled to the nearest make-up class)
Make-up classes will be scheduled every tenth week (four a year)
If an Apprentice pulls a no show on a Monday of scheduled training (without a valid excuse) the Apprentice will not be able to work (and pulled off the job) or attend school for that week along with having to make up the class.
Alll make up Classes will be held in West Sacramento
Apprentice Stipend Rules:
Free zone: zero to 75 miles
75 miles to 100 miles $30. A day
100 miles and over $70. A day
Must attend all five days (36 hours) of Class to receive stipend
Stipend will be payed on the last day of class (Friday at 11am)
Online training will be mandatory if a pandemic occurs (such as Covid 19)
With the option to learn at home or come to class with social distancing.
Tablets will be provided if needed
Contact Matthew Ledoux Director of Training with any questions.
Phone: (916) 261-2428 or email: